TASC Update June 2022
30/06/22, 11:00

UKATA Training Standards and Accreditation Committee (TASC)
TASC Update June 2022
Hello to all UKATA members from the members of TASC
Online Working for Trainee Placements and Personal Therapy
TASC has received several enquiries from UKATA trainee members about the rules for providing or receiving personal therapy online rather than in person.
UKATA is governed in this by UKCP’s guidance, which aims to be as supportive as possible of trainees to ensure there is no adverse impact on them and their professional development because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
UKCP supports the continuation of trainees delivering or receiving personal therapy online where necessary for the ‘foreseeable future’. UKATA TASC supports this position.
Their guidance that can read in full here: https://www.psychotherapy.org.uk/ukcp-members/standards-guidance-and-policies/coronavirus/adapting-how-we-work/
Should UKCP change its guidance to limit these opportunities we will inform members as soon as possible.
Join our RTE monitoring team
TASC is looking to expand the number of people we can draw on to support the process of monitoring Registered Training Establishments (RTEs). Assessors would need to be professionally experienced in the fields of education, training and assessment. Assessors will be provided with training in these roles. The time required for each monitoring process, is a one-day visit to an RTE as part of a two-person team, which is preceded by a desk-based review process of an RTE’s monitoring paperwork. From the academic year of 2022/23, assessors will be offered a stiped of £400 for each monitoring process they are involved in (plus reasonable travel expenses). TASC may draw on assessors once or twice in a year, sometimes less frequently depending on how many RTEs are scheduled to be visited in an academic year.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please send any queries or submit your CV and a covering letter expressing your interest by email to Beren Aldridge, chair of TASC (tasc@uka4ta.co.uk) by June 31st.
5 Year CPD process for UKCP registered UKATA members
There is a new guidance document to help those UKATA members who are required to submit a 5 year CPD review to UKATA to maintain their UKCP registration. The guidance offers a clear description of the process that is expected and clarifies UKATA’s requirements for paperwork to be fully completed by all participants before being submitted to UKATA’s office. It also clarifies who can and shouldn’t be involved in a CPD review process, to ensure that dual relationships are accounted for in the process.
A link to the guidance document is here.
Best wishes to you all on behalf of TASC.
Beren (chair), Bev, Carol, Cholena, Patrick and Rosalind.