TASC Update August 2022
11/08/22, 11:00

UKATA Training, Accreditation and Standards Committee
August Update
Hello to all UKATA Members from TASC
This is the next in an on-going series of updates concerning TA training, standards and accreditation issues that will be relevant to many of you.
UKCP Registration via UKATA
As UKATA’s annual membership renewals will be due in October, TASC would like to remind all our members who hold UKCP membership via UKATA, that you are required to maintain your membership of both UKATA and UKCP to maintain your UKCP registration.
Individual membership of UKCP is maintained by you when you pay them your annual subscription. But your UKCP registration is a collaborative process between yourself, UKCP and UKATA, and as such requires on-going membership of both professional bodies.
If you should forget to renew your UKATA membership, and do not respond to reminders from the UKATA office, then your UKCP registration will lapse along with your UKATA membership – regardless of whether you are maintaining your individual membership of UKCP. Should this happen you will need to re-join UKATA and then re-register with UKCP via UKATA’s office.
PTSC Updates
Members of UKATA are all members of EATA, the European Association for Transactional Analysis. We are all governed in our work by the guidance developed by EATA.
For trainers and supervisors this guidance is given in both the EATA training handbook, and in the updates and telegrams from PTSC, EATA’s Professional Training and Standards Committee. While PTSC Telegrams are sent out by email, PTSC Updates are placed on the EATA website. These updates and telegrams can be found here: https://eatanews.org/ta-training-2/#PTSC-news.
UKATA members who are endorsed to train and supervise (CTA-Trainer, PTSTA, STA, TTA and TSTA) should ensure that they are aware of these updates, and we recommend they check the PTSC update page regularly. We recognise it can be difficult to read through and UKATA are working with PTSC to encourage them to improve it.
Mutual Recognition between EATA and ITAA
There has been some confusion about online TSTA exams and whether there continues to be mutual recognition between EATA and ITAA for the TSTA qualification.
This arises because EATA and ITAA have chosen different methods for the TSTA exams to be conducted when candidates take them online.
TASC want to reassure all UKATA members that mutual recognition remains between these two bodies for the TSTA qualification.
This means that regardless of whether a person is awarded their TSTA qualification in an online examination with EATA or ITAA, both organisations recognise this qualification and allow that person to train, examine and supervise worldwide. PTSC’s clarification of this can be found in the Updates section on the web link given above – it is dated May 9th 2022 and it at the bottom of the list of updates.
Clarification of our June Update
Regarding our members who are in the psychotherapy field of practice, we are glad to clarify that UKATA is governed by both UKCP and EATA guidelines for the training, qualification and registration of psychotherapists. We recognise that the UKCP guidance we highlighted in June is relevant for those UKATA members in training who are seeking UKCP registration.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. You are always welcome to be in touch with UKATA with any questions regarding your training and accreditation processes. Many thanks to Avalon Stockford in the UKATA office who is the first place to address your enquiries, and she will pass any she cannot answer to us at TASC: traininghelp@uka4ta.co.uk
Best wishes from TASC.