Join our DSR Committee
27/02/23, 12:00

The DSR is without a chair at the moment.
Please could you include the ad below in the next edition?
Are you passionate about diversity and social responsibility?
Do you have a few hours to spare every month?
If the answer to those questions is yes, then we are looking for a new Chair for the Diversity and Social responsibility Committee.
The DSR committee was first formed in 2015 to raise awareness, create dialogues and monitor policies on fairness of opportunities and social responsibility within UKATA.
We would also welcome application s for other roles within the Committee, including writing and editing articles for the Transactional Analyst, keeping up to date with new legislation and UKCP policies, liaising with the Training, Accreditation and Standards Committee concerning fairness of opportunity with Registered Training Establishments, encouraging dialogue on themes of diversity and social responsibility to boost confidence and enthusiasm in our community.
In practical terms the commitment includes one meeting via Zoom each month for 1.5 hours and a strategy day meeting annually. This could be online or in-person. If you are interested in our work and wish to join the committee, please email Alan Jones ajone161@hotmail.co.uk or Sylva Jolliffe sylva.jolliffe@aol.co.uk