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Membership Fees 2024-25
Current UKATA membership fees are shown in the table below.
The total costs of your renewal will include: the UKATA membership fee, the EATA fee (if applicable), and other fees as specified below as appropriate.
Please note: all UKATA members, except subscribers, have an obligation to be members of EATA. Usually members pay their EATA fee via UKATA. If you pay this fee via another organisation, you will be not charged for it and you will have to specify which other way of paying this fee you use on the renewal form.
UKATA Category | UKATA Fee | EATA Fee | Total Cost |
Advanced Practitioner
CTA – Certified Transactional Analyst Contractual Trainee – trainees with a current EATA or ITAA CTA contract, UKCP Reg Case Study Route
| £163.00 | £35.25 | £198.25 |
CT - Contractual Trainee | £163.00 | £35.25 | £198.25 |
Diploma Qualified Member | £163.00 | £8.35 | £171.35 |
EATA Qualified Senior Professional Member | £175.00 | £108.00 | £283.00 |
Subscriber Account
Not in TA training
Does not hold a certificate to practice in TA
NB: Not an EATA Member
| £40.00 | £40.00 | |
Student Member | £80.00 | £8.35 | £88.35 |
Other Fees | Cost |
Admin Fee for Refund processing | £25.00 |
Late Membership Payment Fee
This is charged for Late Renewals after 15th December | £25.00 |
Printed Copy of Transactional Analyst Magazine.
(You will automatically receive an electronic version of this magazine). | £20.00 |
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