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Diversity & Social Responsibility (D&SRC)


Dr Tanya Banfield

Committee Members:

Hulya Hooker, Liza Heatley


The role of the DSR Committee is to raise awareness, create dialogues and monitor policies on fairness of opportunities and social responsibility within UKATA.


Our aims fall into three categories:

1. The practical or administrative

2. The professional requirements and recommendations for good practice

3. The psychological impact we wish to have, which is to offer a significant contribution to a culture that honors diversity and social responsibility in UKATA.

What follows is further clarification in these three areas:

At the Administrative Level we aim to:

  • Collect data about our membership and monitor fairness of opportunities about access to training, services and attaining qualifications

  • Monitor UKATA membership’s access to Fairness of Opportunity and inform Council of the results

  • Keep up to date with National & European law and use this information to keep policies relevant

  • Keep current with UKCP policy and practice

  • Liaise with UKATA admin and get feedback on data on membership and make recommendations.

  • Liaise with TASC concerning fairness of opportunity with RTEs. This can account for access to training as well as progressing with qualifications.

  • Keep up to date with relevant National and European law and use this information to keep policies up to date and relevant.

At the Professional Level we aim to:

  • Draft a reading list with notes on race, ethnicity, culture, disability, neurodiversity, gender, age, sexual orientation for members and service users

  • Provide materials which outline ethical and legal responsibilities of practitioners

  • Establish best practice through conferences, meetings and publications

  • Establish new guidelines for practice and training.

  • Promote best practices through conferences, meetings and publications.

  • Offer guidelines for practice and training

  • Maintain a regular column in the Transactional Analysis magazine

  • Keep up awareness of the relevance of context by discussing social and political events in regular meetings and reporting back to council and membership.

At the Psychological Level we aim to:

  • Encourage dialogue on themes of diversity and social responsibility to boost confidence and enthusiasm in our community

  • Promote awareness and reflection in order to invite consciousness of anti-oppressive practice

  • Attend to our process as a committee to model our aspiration of democracy and plurality

  • Promote awareness and encourage reflection on these themes in order to invite greater consciousness of power dynamics

Committee Members:

Sylva Jolliffe

Sylva spent over 20 years working in the financial services industry where she first encountered TA as a coach. She began her TA career with a 101 course in 2007, and became PTSTA in 2019.

She spent some time volunteering at Childline and a small local charity supporting vulnerable adults before setting up in private practice. She is passionate about making TA accessible to all and works with local organisations to promote TA in the community.

Sylva is based in Derbyshire, working as a therapist, supervisor and trainer.

Sylva’s responsibilities on the committee are:

  • Editor of the quarterly DSR Column

  • Managing the annual budget

Dr Hulya Hooker

Hulya is a qualified Psychologist. She undertook her training at Wealden College for Advanced TA Clinical Psychotherapy training course and received her UKATA Counselling Diploma in 2019. She is currently working towards her CTA.

Hulya has spent over two decades working as a researcher in the UK after completing her Masters and Doctorate degrees in Psychology before deciding to train in Psychotherapy. She describes her TA training as a life changing experience. Hulya has been working with clients since 2017, first through volunteering for a local charity called Care for the Carers which she still volunteers for and now has a small private practice, Sense of Self Counselling.

Hulya has over 20 years of experience in policy-oriented social research, with a strong statistical background through her academic studies and practical experience of working with many large-scale datasets. Over the years she managed a wide range of research projects often including the areas of diversity, social inclusion and wellbeing. Since joining the Civil Service in 2009, she has been involved in research projects in different policy areas to provide a robust evidence base for current and future policy priorities.

Hulya is passionate about making a positive impact on the representation of the diverse communities both in terms of those providing the service and those receiving it within the counselling and psychotherapy field.

In her role at the Diversity and Social Responsibility Committee, Hulya will be the first point of contact regarding diversity queries and comments from UKATA members and will be liaising with Council via the Operations Manager

Phone: 07784 065 790 (Personal); 07480 589 311 (Clinical)

E-mail: (Personal); (Clinical)


Alan Jones

I retired in 2005 from 35 years in the motor industry in International Marketing and Sales, culminating as Regional Manager Eastern Europe. For almost half of my career, I lived in either Germany or North Africa where I had direct experience of being “the other”.

During most of my career I worked in languages that were not my mother tongue and can relate to the experiences of many people in the TA world who are also obliged to learn and work in a “foreign Language” ie English. I have a great deal of experience of working with many diverse cultures and it has always been my experience that there are far more things in common between cultures than there are differences.

I trained initially as a Person Centred Counsellor whilst working for the national mental health charity Mind, achieving a diploma in 2008. I began training in TA shortly afterwards and gained a Post Graduate Clinical Diploma in TA Counselling from Middlesex University in 2011 and an Msc in TA Psychotherapy in 2013 when I also became a CTA(P). I went on to become a PTSTA (P) in 2015. I have been running a successful private practice since 2008 and a supervision practice since 2015. I also teach at TA establishments in Europe.


General Enquiries -


UKATA Office
UK Association for Transactional Analysis
483 Green Lanes,
N13 4BS

Membership Enquiries -

Tel: 07769 256020

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